Great Memories


I bought this post card, about $8.  It's a ship on the ship channel in Beaumont, that's the County Court House in the background.  But what I really like is the stamp.  Really neat, at one time a penny postcard was just that.  As I'm not a stamp collector, maybe some day a relative will enjoy it. 


Happened upon this old postcard on ebay, it cost me $12.50.

I can remember laying by that pool listening to "Love Letters in the Sand".

The first "Drag" was right there, around the Ballroom, make the turnaround.

Note the date and stamp.

Another great old post card picked up.  


Not sure of the date but by the cars, late 40's or early 50's.  I remember as a kid once when my mother went inside, I waited in the car and then tried to catch the squirrels that were everywhere.  Can see the Sabine Hotel in the background.



I been there.  Probably breathed that stuff.

It is from late classmate Gerald Thibodeaux.  He said it is from a book.

I wonder what else is in that book.  Since then I have acquired those books.

It's a two volume history of Port Arthur, manged to get them cheap.


Two Terrific Scans from late classmate James Lewis while in Dallas

James was 13 here and he said they had a pretty good team. He recalls...
Back row
Bill McDuffie, Andy Andrus, Bill Holtman, Elmo Dorsey, James Lewis, David Loncon, Robert ?
Front row
Anthony Drago, Larry Branham, Donald Cain, Rob Darville, ?, Richard Boyer, Fred Sapperstein.
Most of these guys were good players so this was a good team.
I was 13 so it was probably 1957

Here are the names I remember:
Top row
Steve Smith, James Lewis, Malcom Miller. Larry Branham, Clark Smith, Elmo Dorsey
Second Row
Anthony Drago, Rob Darville, ?, Robert Hollier, Richard Boyer
Bottom Row
Larry Johnson, John Duplissey, Allen Blanchard, Gerald Bailey
I was playing as a 14 year old so it should have been 1958



These were handed to me some time back, finally got around to scanning them.

Left most pictures rather large to let you see details.  Remember, we didn't take

the pictures or write the captions on the back, we just scanned and put them up on

the website.  Don't shoot the messenger.


JoEllen Johnson, Ann Miller, Pam Huber, Pat Wingfield, Joan Leavell Joan Leavell, JoEllen Johnson, Ann Miller, Dianne Devoll - dated 1959 Joan Leavell, Ann Miller, Pam Huber, Pat Wingfield, JoEllen Johnson, - Slumber Party at Dianne Devolls Judy McVey, JoEllen Johnson - Lakeview Camp, taken by Dianne Devoll


Bk - Linda C., Mary Ann D., Diane L., Gaynell N., Carol S., Ann R.

Ft - Ann N., Nova Lynn C., Ann M., Pam H., Kay T., Ann K., Dianne D., Mary Ell G. - Xmas Party Dianne Devoll's , 1955

Charles McDonald, Tim C., Shelby Dorsey, Robbie Darvell, Pam Huber, Ann Miller, Dianne Devoll - 4th Grade Sam Houston Lynn Miller and Carol Scott - Caption says "was with Dianne Devoll at Carol's parents beach cabin, Summer of 1961"

Lynn Miller - Summer of 1961


The caption says "Carol Johnson in wilder days with Spooky Laird at beach for night wiener roast". - Fall 1960 The caption says "Joan Leavell spending the night with Dianne Devoll".  (date on pic, Mar 59) The caption says "Linda Axtell & baby doll on tricycle".  (hey, we didn't write them, we just put them on the website)